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Keep Your Cool with Radiator Repair
in Boerne, TX

The radiator is one of the hardest-working components of your automobile. It ensures your engine and the fluids which circulate through it remain at safe temperatures. Without your radiator, you run the risk of overheating--which can spell disaster for your vehicle and its critical parts.

Avoid a blowout and prevent engine failure with radiator repair from Full Service Automotive. We are an auto repair center serving motorists throughout Boerne, TX. With our skill and experience, you have the assistance you need to keep your vehicle in good condition.

Radiator Repair in Boerne, TX

The Importance of Radiator Service

Radiator service doesn’t seem like a big deal--until something goes wrong. The fact of the matter is that keeping an eye on your radiator should be as important as getting a routine oil change. If you see any red or green fluid leaking from your car, then you should make visiting our shop a priority.

As part of our maintenance options, we offer a radiator flush. This service replaces the spent coolant from the system and includes an inspection of your radiator’s components and connections, including the hoses. If we notice anything wrong with your radiator, we’ll make recommendations on what you should do next.

You may require a radiator replacement or repair depending on the condition of your cooling system. The parts of a radiator will degrade over time, so it is important to uphold a good maintenance routine to address issues before they escalate into bigger and more costly problems. By allowing us to handle your maintenance and repair needs, you take proactive steps towards upholding the safety, efficiency, and reliability of your automobile.

Contact us and request an estimate for radiator services. We proudly serve motorists throughout Boerne and the surrounding area.
(210) 201-2615

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